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LAW : A Need

Updated: Feb 28, 2022

Ideas about law are traceable since early Vedic times. Law is an order of human behaviour. Law basically serves as a guideline for what can be accepted in society and what not. If no guidelines are put for the society, it can lead to many conflicts among the citizens of India. Law was created to ensure the security of the state.

Law acts as medium or instrument for bringing a change in the society or any particular region. Law certainly plays an important role in the transformation of the people of the society.

Importance of Law:

Bringing Peace: The law provides a framework for the settling the disputes and bring peace to the society.

Problem solving: Law helps in solving problems so that Rightful get the right, and Wrongful gets the punishment.

Protection of individual rights: Power is very corruptive. With the help of law, power of government can be restrained and protect individual rights. The Rule of law keeps the playing field fair enough. The law provides orderly social change. People accept changes if they believe it to be fair even if they don't like.

Protect minorities against majorities: No matter who you are, where you live, you are bound with law. The main reason behind knowing the laws is that it helps you to recognise your own rights against Tyranny.

The main purpose of law is to preserve freedom and moral agency. Our laws serve as the written embodiment of society's ethics and morals. Law tell us how to act, operate, what we can and we cannot to in public as well as private. Law teaches people which behaviour is acceptable in the society and what is not.

Overall, Law provides a blanket of protection for individuals against the power of the state. So, it is important to know how law works and how much helpful is the law for the society.

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