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By - Jay Kumar Gupta


Gender discrimination occurs when men and women have unequal rights. Because of their gender roles, it varies, resulting in unequal treatment throughout their lives. Discrimination based on gender has been around for a long time. However, as time goes on, it will be necessary to discard gender roles. Different treatment of people depending on their sex disadvantages them or prevents them from making use of opportunities available to other members of society Most countries practice gender discrimination, with males typically holding higher positions in social, economic, and political hierarchies.


The most important issue we have is that many people still consider gender inequality to be a female issue. When we refer to gender, we are referring to all genders, including males, females, transgender people, and others. When all genders, especially those on the margins, are empowered, they can live their lives freely. Furthermore, gender inequality makes it difficult for people to express themselves. Finally, it endangers their future. Throughout history, fighting gender inequity has resulted in peaceful and secure civilizations. As a result of gender discrimination, there is a salary gap between men and women. Similarly, it exposes particular genders to violence and discrimination. They are also objectified and subjected to injustice in terms of socioeconomic status. All of this contributes to feelings of anxiety, depression, and even a low sense of self-worth. As a result, we must all recognize that gender inequality harms both men and women. This post about gender inequality will show you how to work together to prevent long-term impacts.


There are 130 million girls who do not attend school over the world. Even while the number of girls enrolling in school has increased dramatically, there is still a long way to go. Girls are more likely than boys to never receive an education. 15 million girls will never attend a classroom in primary schools around the world, compared to about 10 million boys. Even though there are several barriers to education for both boys and girls around the world, there are several prejudices that solely affect girls. Forcible marriages at a young age, gender-based violence in schools, and cultural or religious restrictions on girls' education are just a few instances. Education is an extremely useful resource for girls.

Seek help and support if you have a friend or acquaintance who is a victim of domestic violence or other forms of abuse. Physical aggression isn't the only type of violence that falls under this heading. Women are often susceptible to psychological and verbal assaults (curses and threats) (controlling, manipulative, and frightening behavior). Frequently, all of these occurrences occur at the same moment. If you are a victim of domestic violence, know that you are not alone. It needs to be reported. According to the same UN study stated above, in most countries with statistics available, less than 40% of women who experience violence seek any form of help. Those who do seek assistance from family and friends, with only a small percentage going to formal institutions and procedures such as the police and health services. Less than 10% of women went to the police after being victimized by violence.

India is a patriarchal society ruled by men. As a result, enacting rules and regulations that favor women and ensure that they are treated equally in society is vital. The Indian government adopted several programs, policies, and practices to promote equal rights and opportunities for women in the family, community, workplace, and governance. India's Constitution also gives a powerful mandate for equality and women's rights in its preambles, fundamental rights, and obligations.

Gender discrimination still exists in many places, despite the government's best efforts. Every citizen must combat gender bias wherever they see it. We must preserve the little child and celebrate her birth. Female foeticide would be prohibited in India only after that. We must educate her and instill in her the ability to be self-sufficient. We must make the environment and surroundings safe for girls and women, whether in a public arena or at work. Women now work in practically every sector and field. They work as scientists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, managers, college and university professors, and a range of other disciplines formerly thought to be unsuited for women. As a result, it is our responsibility to inspire them with confidence and help them reach their full potential. We should provide specific services such as maternity, child care, and menstruation leave to make it easier for them to work.


Article 14 of the Indian Constitution talks about the right to equality. Every person in this country will have equal rights in every sphere irrespective of his caste, creed, religion, place of birth, etc and the state will make any law that discriminates persons on caste, sex, religion, etc as per Article 15 of the Indian Constitution. Equality will be given every opportunity of employment irrespective of caste, sex, religion, etc as per Article 16 of the Indian Constitution. Article 39 directs the state to make a sure equal and adequate livelihood for both men and women.

In the case of Air India v. Nargesh Meerja, the apex ruled in its judgment in favor of article 14 and decided that concerning sex, caste, or religion, no one will be denied partiality and biasness in the opportunity of employment.


India's performance in providing opportunity equality to men and women has declined by 3%, the research claims. In the ranking index of World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index 2020, Iceland came out on top with 88 percent of the gender gap closed, whereas India, which came in at 112th place, only closed 66 percent of the gap. Education, health, the economy, labor force participation, and politics are the main pillars of this gender gap index. Given how low India ranks, it is clear that men are still favored more than women.


Significant progress has been made in narrowing the gender gap in school enrolment at both the primary and secondary levels. The fast growth of the clothing industry has produced a large number of ceremonial sector jobs for men and women. Furthermore, the society in which we live is overwhelmingly patriarchal, with gender discrimination pervasive at all levels. Throughout their lives, women are fully reliant on men. The list goes on and on, from fathers to husbands to sons. The constitutional declarations of gender equality are also existent in our country.

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