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By - Mitali Thakur


The usage of illegal narcotics by young people in our country is on the rise. Adolescents who use drugs have a higher risk of acquiring an addiction as adults. It's critical to understand the distinction between drug abuse and addiction. Many teenagers try drugs but do not become addicted. The situation in our country when it comes to the usage of drugs and other psychotropic substances is serious. Adolescents who have a tobacco, drug, or alcohol addiction are more likely to commit violent crimes. These intoxicants frequently increase a person's rage, which can lead to violent acts like rapes, murders, and other horrible crimes. Teenage drug and alcohol abuse has become a major public health concern


Excessive use of a drug in a way that is harmful to oneself, society, or both are referred to as substance abuse. Both physical and psychological reliance are included in this description. Physical dependence is a physiologic state created by long-term use of a drug, in which withdrawal symptoms appear when the substance is stopped. In the absence of physical dependency, psychologic dependence refers to a strong desire to continue taking a substance.


A drug is any chemical that alters the physiology or psychology of an organism when taken. Food and substances that give nutritional assistance are usually distinguished from drugs. Inhalation, injection, smoking, ingestion, absorption via a patch on the skin, suppository, or dissolving under the tongue are all options for medication consumption. The drugs that benefit humankind may also be the same drugs that are harmful to humanity. Drugs are without a doubt designed to treat diseases and improve people's lives; but, people may abuse over-the-counter medications, which is known as drug abuse. Because it affects the family, the economy, and the community, it has become a social issue.


The following are some of the most common reasons:

Teens place a high value on their social standing. Your child may use drugs to fit in with his or her peers or to impress a new group of kids.Some teenagers use drugs to lessen their inhibitions and feel more at ease in social situations. To alleviate discomfort and anxiety. Drugs may be used by teenagers to cope with issues relating to family, friends, school, mental health, or self-esteem.

To deal with life's ups and downs. For anyone, change is difficult. To cope with difficulties such as moving, starting a new school, puberty, or going through their parents' divorce, some teenagers turn to drugs.


Peer pressure

Emotional struggles



A desire to escape

The majority of new drug users are under the age of 18. Experimentation is the most important factor in teen drug use. Experimentation is, however, a part of life, and just because a teen has tried drugs or alcohol does not mean they will become addicted. Understanding why certain teenagers are tempted to experiment is essential. The majority of people who have an addiction started using drugs before they aged 21. Youth associate with various types of people, commonly known as friends, and under the influence of these friends, a youngster is induced to try these substances, after which they continue to use them and become addicted to them in the long term. Depression is another common cause of drug misuse. When painful and disheartening events occur in a person's life, the person begins to explore the best approach to regain happiness; hence, the usage of hard drugs becomes necessary. This eventually becomes a habit, resulting in drug abuse. Another key reason for drug misuse, according to experts, is the high percentage of youth unemployment.


Bad grades

Poor hygiene

Avoiding eye contact

Laughing without any reason

Loss of interest


Smell of smoke


Teen drug addiction can have a variety of negative repercussions.

Drug addiction is a serious problem. Teens who abuse drugs have a higher risk of developing a serious addiction later in life.

Poor decision-making. Drug use among teenagers is linked to poor judgment in social and personal interactions.

High-risk sexual activity, unsafe intercourse, and unintended pregnancy are all linked to drug use.

Disorders of the mind. Drug abuse can worsen or heighten the risk of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety.

Driving while drunk. Driving while under the influence of any drug impairs a driver's motor skills, endangering the driver, passengers, and others on the road.

Substance abuse can have a negative impact on academic achievement.


Parents should keep an eye on their children's friends and steer them away from the undesirable company. Maintain your involvement. Develop a deep bond with your teen and show that you care about their interests. Set a positive example for your children. Your own actions Whether you realize it or not, you're sending a clear message to your kid. Do not take drugs, and only take prescription medications as prescribed. If you choose to consume alcohol, do so in moderation. Encourage people to participate in healthful activities. Hobbies, groups, sports, and part-time jobs are all excellent methods for teenagers to keep themselves occupied. Your teen will have less time to engage in drug usage if he or she stays active.


The number of crimes committed while under the influence of drugs and other intoxicants has increased throughout time. The fines and laws have been passed multiple times. Several laws have been passed to prevent drug usage over the years, but it remains uncontrolled.

The NDPS Act of 1985, which has been revised multiple times throughout the years, states the consequences for offenses.

Some of the penalties are as follows:




Cultivation of coca leaves, opium, and cannabis without legal authorization.

Harsh imprisonment=upto 10 years

Fine up to Rs 1 lakh

Section 18(c)

Section 16

Section 20

The import, export, or transshipment of narcotics and psychotropic substances.

Possession of a small amount of drugs carries a penalty of up to 6 months in prison or a fine of Rs.10,000 or both.

Violation of the commercial quantity of drugs that is greater than the smaller quantity carries a penalty of up to ten years in prison or a fine of up to Rs. one lakh.

Possession of a commercial quantity of drugs carries a sentence of 10-20 years in prison and a fine of Rs. 1-2 lakhs.

Section 23

The use of drugs

Ingestion of substances such as morphine, cocaine, or heroin carries a sentence of up to one year in prison or a fine of Rs. 20,000, or both.

Consumption of other narcotics is punishable by imprisonment for up to six months or a fine of Rs. 10,000, or both.

Section 27

For facilitating illegal trafficking and harboring offenders.

Violations are punishable by imprisonment for 10 to 20 years and a fine of Rs. 1 to 2 lakhs.

Section 27A


The usage of drugs and the commission of crimes are intricately intertwined. To pay for their narcotics, drug addicts commit crimes, which hurts society. Furthermore, a large number of criminals commit crimes while under the influence of drugs. Another aspect of drug addiction is drug trafficking. Drug addiction affects many people, and the illegal manufacture and selling of narcotics have resulted in crime and carnage around the world. Drug addiction is a multifaceted problem having social, cultural, biological, geographic, historical, and economic consequences. Drug addiction has a harmful impact on society. As a result, crime rates have risen. To pay for their narcotics, addicts turn to criminality. Drugs reduce inhibition and impair judgment, making illegal behavior more likely. Teasing, group fights, assaults, and impulsive homicides are all on the rise as a result of drug usage. Every family member suffers from conflict and significant emotional pain as a result of addiction, which also jeopardizes financial stability.


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