The Supreme Court of India on Monday declined to entertain a plea challenging the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) examination following allegations of a paper leak. A bench of Justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Sudhanshu Dhulia directed the petitioner to seek remedies from the Patna High Court, stating that it was the appropriate forum to address such grievances.
The petition was filed after allegations surfaced that the BPSC examination paper had been leaked, raising concerns over transparency and fairness in the recruitment process. The petitioner argued that the incident undermined the credibility of the examination and sought the Supreme Court’s intervention for a fresh investigation and re-conduct of the examination.
However, the apex court refused to intervene directly, emphasizing the need to exhaust local judicial remedies before approaching higher courts. “You must first go to the Patna High Court with your concerns. The High Court is well-equipped to handle these issues and deliver justice,” the bench observed.
The BPSC examination, a prestigious recruitment process for government positions in Bihar, has faced criticism after the alleged leak, with several candidates demanding stringent action against those responsible. While the state authorities have launched a preliminary inquiry into the matter, affected candidates continue to call for broader judicial scrutiny.
The court's decision redirects the focus to the Patna High Court, where petitioners can now seek relief, including demands for a fair investigation, accountability of the commission, and possible re-conduct of the examination if the allegations are substantiated.
This development is a significant step in ensuring that the rule of law is upheld while protecting the interests of thousands of aspirants relying on a transparent examination process. The case highlights the judiciary’s role in maintaining a balance between timely justice and the proper use of judicial hierarchy.
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