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The role of intellectual property rights in encouraging innovations in Technology Sector

Legal Article by - ANIRUDDH SHARMA (This Article was written by him during his Internship)


Technology is a continuous growing industry which is present and future of the entire world. All nations seeks to enhance and improve their technology sector because is a new global market where everyone wants to sell and purchase the latest invention. Every invention has a owner who created it with his hard work. So here comes the IPR (Intellectual property rights) in picture. These rights protects the rights of the owner and gives him complete control over his invention and property.

“Intellectual property is the oil of the 21st century”

-Mark Getty (Co-founder and chairman of Getty images)


IPR is basically some legal rights which gives the creator complete control over the use of their inventions. These rights aim to protect and incentivize creative and innovative ideas by ensuring that creators can aid financially from their work. IPR includes various forms of protection which are patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. Let us understand each one of them individually


A patent is an absolute right allotted for an innovation, which can be a product itself or a process that provides a unique way of doing something or offers a new technical solution to a problem. Patents Prevents others from using, making, distributing, or selling the patented invention without the permission of its owner.


Copyright is a legal right that grants the owner of the original works of authorship, such as dramatic, literary, artistic, and musical works, the complete right to use and distribute their work as they please. Suppose someone uses your work like music, book, film without your consent then copyright gives you right to take legal action against such misconduct.


A trademark is a capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from other enterprises. Trademarks can include logos, words, Colors symbols, or a combination thereof. The trademark prevents others from using a replica or a similar mark in a way that would mislead consumers. So trademark helps in identifying the original enterprise.

Trade secrets

A trade secret is basically any confidential business information which provides that enterprise with a competitive edge over other enterprises. Trade secrets consists of business strategies, management processes, formulas, special ingredients, designs, mechanism and more. It doesn’t need a official documentation. This information will be protected until it remains confidential.

All these things are crucial in protection of every kind of enterprises and invention no matter which sector. But technology sector is more technical based. Even a little chip needs a protection due to its complex tech which can benefit the future too.

I : The role of intellectual property rights in innovation

A – Incentives for innovations

Exclusive rights

IPR grants inventors the exclusive rights for their creations and inventions, which allows them to take complete control on how their work is being used. This exclusivity is a important incentive for innovation, as it provides a particular time period during which the inventor can benefit from their own work without any fear of competition.

Monetary rewards

The potential for financial profit is a significant motivation for innovators. By securing intellectual property rights, The creators can monetize their creations through sales, licensing, or commercialization. This financial incentive encourages the individuals and companies to invest in research and development for future innovations.

Reputation and recognition

IPR offers recognition to creators, enhancing their reputation and credibility around the world. This recognition can lead to further new opportunities like collaboration, funding, and commercialization. This provides motivation for new inventors.

B - Potential Case studies

• Apple inc.

Apple Inc. is renowned and popular enterprise for its innovative products, particularly the iPhone, which is a apple smartphone. To protect its technological advancements, The Apple has filed numerous patents which covers various aspects of the iPhone, including technology and design. Design patents safeguards the unique look and build of iPhone, encompassing its shape, U.I, and graphical elements. Utility patents protect the technical innovations within the iPhone, such as multi-touch gesture, Artificial intelligence, hardware, and software features. These patents have proven beneficial for Apple to maintain a competitive edge over others in the smartphone market by preventing competitors from copying its unique innovation. The financial returns which apple got from the exclusive rights to the iPhone’s technology have allowed Apple to invest heavily in research and development which results in continuous innovation. Apple has been involved in many legal battles to protect its patents, most notably against the Samsung (other smartphone company). This highlights the importance of patents in maintaining market position and rank in industry.

• Qualcomm and mobile patents

Qualcomm is a leading company in mobile technology industry, It is known for its innovations in wireless. The company have numerous amount of patents related to 3G, 4G, and 5G technologies, many of which are standard-essential patents (SEPs). SEPs are essential for the implementation of basic technologies in mobile devices, making Qualcomm’s patents crucial for the industry. Qualcomm licenses its SEPs to other companies, which generates the substantial revenue and helps in reinvesting it into research and development, which results in further innovations in wireless communication. However, Qualcomm’s licensing model has faced some criticisms and legal challenges in past from competitors and regulating bodies, raising queries about the balance between Intellectual property protection and market competition. Despite these challenges the qualcomm’s patents and licensing practices have influenced the mobile technology market, impacting consumers and manufacturers and showcasing the importance of intellectual property rights in incentivizing innovation.

• Tesla and electric vehicle technology

Tesla, Inc. is a leading industry in electric vehicle (EV) technology, Tesla is known for its innovations in battery powered technology, autonomous driving, and vehicle design. Tesla holds many patents related to EV technology. In 2014, Elon Musk (CEO and founder of Tesla) announced that Tesla will allow others to use its patents in good faith, resulting in adoption of an open-source approach to fuel the development of sustainable transportation. This approach has also encouraged the other companies to enter in the EV market, fostering innovation and growth. Despite sharing its patents with others, Tesla maintains a competitive edge over others through continuous innovation and development of new technologies, particularly in autonomous driving vehicles, where patents protect various aspects of its self-driving software and hardware systems. Tesla is the first industry to introduce self-driving cars.Tesla’s strategy demonstrates a balance between IP protection and promoting the public goodwill, highlighting how sharing technology with everyone can promote broader industry advancements while maintaining a competitive advantage.

II – Balancing competition and protection

A – protecting creator’s rights Legal framework

The legal framework for intellectual property rights includes national laws and international treaties that protect intellectual property. The TRIPS Agreement (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) is one type of international treaty that sets minimum standards for IP protection and it’s enforcement.

Enforcement mechanism

Effective enforcement of IPR is crucial to prevent infringement and to protect the creators’ rights. Penalties, legal actions, and other enforcement mechanisms ensures that IPR are respected and that creators can take action against frauds.

B – Fostering competition

Preventing Monopoly

While intellectual property rights gives exclusive rights to creators, it is also essential challenge to prevent monopolies that can squash competition and innovation. Ensuring that IP protection is not overly expansive or extended helps in maintaining a competitive market.

Promoting access

Balancing Intellectual property protection with the public access is crucial for fostering healthy competition. Open-source models and compulsory licensing are some examples of approaches that promotes the access to technology with everyone while still protecting creators’ rights.

III – Balancing trade secrets and transparency

Trade secrets

The Trade secrets protect the valuable business information that is confidential and not publicly disclosed. This form of Intellectual property protection relies on maintaining confidentiality through agreements and security measures like signing non- disclosure agreements. Ex - coco cola’s secret ingredients is confidential according to the company.

Protection v/s transparency

The need for balancing transparency with the protection of trade secrets is a challenge. While transparency is essential for fostering healthy competition and innovation, protecting trade secrets ensures that companies can maintain their competitive edge over others and have a upper hand.

IV – Global perspective on IP and Innovation

A - Differences in IP systems

Different regions have different approaches towards IP protection, which can impact innovations. For example, the US has a robust patent system that encourages innovation, while the EU focuses on balancing IP protection with public access which is basically adoption of open-source system. China’s IP system emphasis on enforcement and protection.

Emerging markets

In new emerging markets, The Intellectual property protection plays a crucial role in fostering technological advancements and Strengthening IP laws. enforcement can attract investment and promote innovation in these regions and sectors.

B – International cooperation

Global treaties

Global treaties like the TRIPS Agreement play a crucial role in harmonizing IPR laws across the countries. These agreements set minimum standards for IP protection and it’s enforcement, facilitating cooperation and international trade.

Cross Border enforcement

Enforcing Intellectual property rights across the borders bring challenges due to differences in legal systems and enforcement mechanisms of different countries. International cooperation and treaty agreements are essential for effective and fair cross-border IP enforcement.

V – Future trends in IPR and innovations

A – Technological advancements

IP and A.I

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are challenging notions of IP. Every time the Questions arise about the ownership of AI-generated inventions and the sufficiency of coexisting IP laws to protect the AI innovations.


Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the IP management and protection. Blockchain’s transparent and decentralized nature can enhance the security and tracking of IP transactions.

B – Policy recommendations

Reforming IP laws

To keep pace with the continuous technological advancements, The IP laws must be reformed. This includes updating improvement of enforcement mechanisms, patent criteria and addressing the challenges which arise by new technologies.

Encouraging collaboration

Policies that incentivize the collaborative innovation can nurture creativity and technological advancements. This also includes promoting open innovation models, supporting of private-public partnerships, and ensuring a balanced Intellectual property framework.


IP Rights play a important role in nurturing innovation in the technology sector by providing creators/innovators with the exclusive rights, financial incentives, and global recognition. However, balancing IPR protection with fostering competition and ensuring access to technology is crucial. As technology continues to evolve, IPR laws must adapt with it to address upcoming challenges and opportunities. A balanced approach towards IP protection, enforcement, and policy reform will be a way to sustaining innovation and economic growth in the technology sector.

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